Oh, where do I begin?
After breakfast, the boys usually get dressed right away. They get distracted, as little boys do, and this process is generally long and drawn out. Lots of distractions occur at this time. On this particular day, Russell was sitting on the potty, and Callen said he wanted to potty, too. He's pretty familiar with the potty, so I took his diaper off, sat him on the potty chair, and went to change the baby. He started running around, which is okay. I figured he knows enough to go to the potty if he had to go. Then he came running from the bathroom yelling excitedly, "I poop! I poop!" Logan came out of the bathroom, "Oh my! *exaggerated gag* It stinks in there!" I questioned, "Russell, did he poop?" He answered, "Yes."
So I walk in there and there is poop
on the potty chair,
in front of the potty chair, and
across the floor. Like, he must've not pooped in days, saving it all up. He was so proud to show me what he had done. The poor boy, who had stepped in it, and made lovely footprints across the room was cheering and happy that he had gone on the potty. He tried, he really did. So while I was in there cleaning up poop, we were cheering.
Not fifteen minutes later, I'm back trying to get everyone dressed, and I hear the dog's nails clawing as fast as they can again go across the hard floors, as the big boys were giggling hysterically, chasing her with a laundry basket across the house, trying to catch her in it. (She's too big.)
So I continued on, and all I had left is Callen. I called for him and he didn't come. Logan informed me that he was playing with the salt. Ugghhh. There he was, sitting on the table, in the midst of a pile,
a pile, of salt. Why not, right?
I got everyone dressed and we went out to the den so the boys could play while I nursed the baby and typed all this up. The boys are in charge of letting the dog out. (That was the deal) So they let her out, and three sentences into writing, I was informed that Callen was holding on to her hook, and she wasn't hooked up. She's still relatively new, and really just a puppy, so she
needs to be hooked up. I ran across to the door, still nursing, swing open the door in the midst of a blizzard, (
I might be over exaggerating on that, but it's only 11 degrees out, snowing and blowing, so really not ideal for nursing a baby outside.) I called for her, but she's not really the best listener yet, and we did give her a new name. I bribed her with treats, all the while with a baby on the boob, in a blizzard.
Eventually she did come in.
That's my morning. So far: The baby fell asleep for his nap, I've got to wipe a few boogers, add last minute touches to two hats to send out this morning, and start school. It's only 9:30.